Apr 25, 2014

Make every day count

Most people make New Year's Resolutions. Myself, I am more of a spring type person, I feel the best in spring. It may have to do with the fact that I was born in April. Anyway, this year I found myself making Easter Resolutions instead. And I thought what a better way to keep these by sharing them with you, my dear blog friends and readers! So here they come:

'Read more books' - there is no limit in this one
'Loose those extra three kilos' - this one is a classical, I know but still, I have to seriously consider this before hitting the beach
'Make every day count!' - as a mother of two, I can't help spending every free second of the day with these two angels. Finding new adventures, discovering the world, feeling the happiness in every small thing, finding the beauty in life, this is the ultimate purpose of my existence..

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